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Report 2009 Sea Forest Project

Full one year has past,,,,,December 20, 2009

It has past almost full one year since we seeded the acorns. Feeling the nature’s greatness, red leaves of Ulmus parvifolia(Akinire) have fallen,,,,,we anticipate the fresh top during spring season. We will watch and care those nursery pods during the cold winter seasons.

December 20, 2009December 20, 2009

December 20, 2009December 20, 2009

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Autumn color of AkinireNovember 28, 2009

Persimmon tree in the garden of Green Wave may get good crop this year too. Leaves of Ulmus parvifolia(Akinire) have changed to Autumn color. It's note worthy that even those small trees have same autumn color changing scheme.
Quercus phillyraeoides(Ubamegashi) and Daphniphyllum acropodum(Yuzuriha) have made strong steps to grow.

November 28, 2009November 28, 2009

November 28, 2009November 28, 2009

November 28, 2009

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Treatment of pot insideOctober 8, 2009

October temperature everyday became very calm and gentle, nursery trees seem to be relaxed. We found many weed in the nursery pods which we have taken away. We’ve put extra culture soil in every pods to have strong roots preparing for the cold winter season.

October 8, 2009October 8, 2009

October 8, 2009October 8, 2009

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Sea Forest tree-plantation eventSeptember 20, 2009

NPO Green Wave will participate with the booth for this event.

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Nice to seeSeptember 9, 2009

Still feeling the lingering the summer heat, today’s rain has made to ease the summer heat. The plenty of plants of Green Wave in the garden has grown up so rapidly during the summer seasons and greens and leaves looked so healthy. We plan to place those plants in the Sea Forest project to show all peoples. I found several Atractomorpha lata(Onbu batta) in the nursery pods of Machilus thunbergii(tabu-no-ki).

September 9, 2009September 9, 2009

September 9, 2009September 9, 2009

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Mowing grass volunteer event at the Sea Forest placeAugust 29, 2009

Place-Sea Forest project

August 29, 2009August 29, 2009

August 29, 2009August 29, 2009

August 29, 2009August 29, 2009

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Worm eaten HimeyuzurihaAugust 8, 2009

Weather condition and temperature itself doesn’t reflect real peak summer day. Nursery plants have gradually stepped their growth day by day. Quercus phillyraeoides (Ubamegashi) looked healthy and Ulmus parvifolia(Akinire) is rather slim but with lot of leaves, but Daphniphyllum Teijsmannii(Himeyuzuriha) is bitten by insects due the leaves are soft and must be nice taste to eat. There are many healthy plants with new flush.

August 8, 2009

August 8, 2009

August 8, 2009

August 8, 2009

August 8, 2009

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Rainy season is overJuly 16, 2009

Rainy season now is over and strong sunshine pouring these plants. It seems these plants have grown up slowly but surely. We found that there were lot of new flush from germination.
We’ve cleaned up to pick up weed from each pot.

July 16, 2009
Ulmus parvifolia(Akinire)

July 16, 2009
pots were dead out from 20,

July 16, 2009
rest of 18 plants seems healthy.

July 16, 2009
Quercus phillyraeoides(Ubamegashi)

July 16, 2009
sun shine is so strong but leafs looked healthy

July 16, 2009
with rich green color and no sun-burn effects.

July 16, 2009
Daphniphyllum Teijsmannii(Himeyuzuriha)

July 16, 2009
leafs grew bigger and we see many healthy leafs compared with last time.

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Naturalization of each pot completedJune 26, 2009

We’ve conducted naturalization of nursery pot. Total of 182 pots were produced. Details of plant is as follows; 71Quercus phillyraeoides (Ubamegashi) 91Daphniphyllum Teijsmannii(Himeyuzuriha) and 20 Ulmus parvifolia(Akinire). We hope these plants will grow smooth and steady. Some notable comments related to naturalization:

June 26, 2009
moved to a place with more sunshine,

June 26, 2009
add soil to supply,

June 26, 2009
acorn germinated in two ways and could not separate,

June 26, 2009
small Ulmus parvifolia(Akinire) has grown up rapidly with many leafs,

June 26, 2009
naturalization is conducted twice for Quercus phillyraeoides (Ubamegashi),

June 26, 2009
naturalization is conducted twice for Daphniphyllum Teijsmannii(Himeyu zuriha)

June 26, 2009
there we found new flush from germinations.

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Naturalization of Himeyururiha and Akinire-Ulmus parvifoliaJune 18, 2009

Six months has past from the seeding. Daphniphyllum Teijsmannii(Himeyuzuriha) had a lot of sprouts and we have replaced each to a bigger pot. We have had naturalization of Ulmus parvifolia(Akinire). Due to the plenty of rain falls in previous day, it was very easy to handle/ease soil-mix and the preparation of pots. Little nursery is very sensitive and we handled them with the extra care.

nursery tree with seed

we blended the soil with leaf mold and Akadama

91 Daphniphyllum Teijsmannii (Himeyuzuriha)

20 Ulmus parvifolia (Akinire)

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with the temperature of 24.1 degree highest and 19.7 degree lowest centigradeJune 18, 2009

We found that there are 3 to 4 bud of new flush within the total of 49 pods and we’ve recognized that they are slowly but surely making steps for the growth. We also found 2 nursery plants with red leaves opened from buds. There is no change in status of leaves with splotched red than last observation.

June 18, 2009

June 18, 2009

June 18, 2009

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Growing of Himeyuzuriha-Daphniphyllum MacropodumJune 7, 2009

It has past about 3 weeks from Minato Festival, nursery trees seems to be settled and growing. It was rather surprising that Daphniphyllum Teijsmannii(Himeyuzuriha)-have grown up so fast. More leaves and getting larger, we feel we can do naturalization soon. We found the sprout from the corns of Quercus phillyraeoides(Ubamegashi). We will continue to take care and observation.

moved during May 29 and June 7

Daphniphyllum Teijsmannii (Himeyuzuriha)

Quercus phillyraeoides (Ubamegashi)

Ulmus parvifolia (Akinire)

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with the temperature of 28.9 degree highest and 18.8 degree lowest centigradeJune 7, 2009

We could not find any problems but today there are some splotched red in newly born leaves. The questions were being sent to the Bureau due we have no certain reason why it came out. We are hoping that there is no serious problems to spread over to other new and young leaves. We replaced those pods to eliminate the problems.

June 7, 2009

June 7, 2009

June 7, 2009

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The day of 2nd naturalizationMay 14, 2009

The day of 2nd naturalization was with the full of sun shine and we placed lot of watering to the plants. 43 nursery trees were moved to the pot and we were able to prepare 67 Quercus phillyraeoides pots this time. It is our pleasure to observe and looking for the growth these pots for three years from now.

May 14, 2009
leaves getting bigger from May 05

May 14, 2009
giving more water when changing the pot

May 14, 2009
from the left-Plant beds of Ulmus parvifolia(Akinire) and Daphniphyllum Teijsmannii(Himeyuzuriha) -center- Quercus phillyraeoides (Ubamegashi)Naturalization conducted-upper right-acorns of Quercus phillyraeoides(Ubamegashi) andafter naturalization of Ubamegashi

May 14, 2009
first flush of Daphniphyllum Teijsmannii(Himeyuzuriha)-35 pots has leaves and 65 pots has first flush

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with the temperature of 23.4degree highest and 15.5 degree lowest centigradeMay 14, 2009

We found that after full one year since the naturalization, lot of plants made individual steps with character such as many new flush with the highest of 42 centimeters and the shortest of 12 centimeters. We replaced the plant pods to equally give the full sunshine and taken away those weed from each pod.

May 14, 2009

May 14, 2009

May 14, 2009

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Germination of Daphniphyllum teijsmanniiMay 13, 2009

Germination of Daphniphyllum teijsmannii, the last germination among three seeds and found lots of cute sproutling. We see a lot of sproutling with some of them piece of seed, we had bring back to the memory that we’ve seeded and now they have opened the eyes. It is grad to see those nature trends of working and its growth. It is rather early for naturalization and therefore it will take some time.

May 13, 2009

May 13, 2009

May 13, 2009

May 13, 2009

Seed-bed condition

Time has past almost one week and we found many pots have grown. We placed the woods under the plants to make effects of root Air-pruning for the support branching. Two pods out of 26 naturalization of plants have withered. It was maybe due to the early settlement of naturalization.

May 13, 2009

May 13, 2009

May 13, 2009

May 13, 2009

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with the temperature of 17.9 degree lowest and 19.9 highest centigradeMay 5, 2009

We found many new flush blooming leafs which we could not find it during last month. Machilus thunbergii(Tabunoki) is in the red color in the beginning, leafs have grown a lot and enlarged, it is exciting to know those are surely taking steps during the past one year.

May 5, 2009

May 5, 2009

May 5, 2009

May 5, 2009

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GerminationApril 26, 2009

Warm days continued for the past several weeks and we anticipated the germination. We could find the germination of Quercus phillyraeoides (Ubamegashi) and Ulmus parvifolia(Akinire) but no Daphniphyllum Teijsmannii(Himeyuzuriha). We still want germination of Himeyuzuriha.

Those are pretty little germinated new growth which we can clearly recognize. We will soon replace them to each pot and support its growth. Reports will come later date.

April 26, 2009
place moved

April 26, 2009

April 26, 2009

April 26, 2009
found worm, it meant soil quality is good

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with the temperature of 12 degree lowest and 20.4 highest centigradeApril 8, 2009

We found many new flush from the plants of which we observed flower bud during last month. Most of new flush were soft in touch but it is surely growing with the temperature.

April 8, 2009

April 8, 2009

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After 4 months scene-seeding the field March 24, 2009

It is getting warmer since last week-end symbolizing ‘Spring is just around the corner’ and Sakura (Cherry tree) will soon to blossom! We have conducted the seeding the field in last year and has past almost 4 months. We thought we can make a report that some shoot will appear on the ground but we could not find them. Because we wanted that plants have to naturalize with the environments including severe winter seasons, we have placed the seed plot outside the house. When snow falls and temperature was down to zero degree, we put sawdust and autumnal leaves on the seed plot to prevent from frost.

March 24, 2009
Pictures from the left; Quercus phillyraeoides (Ubamegashi), Ulmus parvifolia(Akinire),Daphniphyllum Teijsmannii(Himeyuzuriha)

March 24, 2009
Acorn of Quercus phillyraeoides(Ubamegashi) has divided and shoot were there

March 24, 2009
Shoot of plants were not found, but many weed can be seen.

with the temperature of 4.5 degree lowest and 13.6 highest centigradeMarch 13, 2009

Many leafs have covered with deep green color and we found many flower bud, we may find many red-colored leafs soon.

March 13, 2009

March 13, 2009

March 13, 2009

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with the temperature of 2.2 degree lowest and 9.9 highest centigradeFebruary 21, 2009

Spring is still far away and the temperature in these days were very low however nursery trees looked okay assuming that plants had deep roots, we saw the red colors of shaft of the plants.

February 21, 2009

February 21, 2009

February 21, 2009